We have started!

first full-scale PHA

Engineering world’s first full-scale PHA from process water plant has started. Paques Biomaterials and ESKA have signed a cooperation agreement with Envirochemie, Paques (both part of the Skion Water Group), and Jorritsma Bouw on how to conduct the engineering of the world’s first Full-Scale Plant for PHA production from Process Water. This agreement contains far-reaching […]

ReBiocycle: multiple recycling routes for PLA, PHA and Mater-bi

ReBiocycle: multiple recycling routes for PLA, PHA and Mater-bi The ReBioCycle project wants to show the multiple recycling routes for PLA, PHA and Mater-bi. The different routes are mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, enzymatic recycling, microbial recycling and thermal degradation. ReBioCycle aims to demonstrate that bio-based biodegradable plastics can be kept in the cycle for as […]

Promofer: state-of-the-art in biobased waste treatments

Promofer: state-of-the-art in biobased waste treatments PROMOFER will address the improvement of fermentation processes and downstream purification for the production of biobased bioplastics as PHB(V) and biobased polyurethane by valorising two kinds of feedstock (lignocellulosic biomass and food industry residual streams). Increasing the yield and productivity of these processes are essential for an introduction of […]

PRO-PHBV: an outlook in our future biobased society.

PRO-PHBV: an outlook in our future biobased society. Within the PRO-PHBV project, we are developing two applications that show the unique characteristics of biobased materials and offer an outlook in our future biobased society. The first application is a waste-based and biobased leather composite, and the second is a biodegradable nature restoration structure. 1. Waste-based […]

Development of biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers

biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers

Development of biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers Biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers are a very relevant application for us because of an enormous market pull that is expected within two years. The European Commission has recently also acknowledged the microplastic pollution caused by fertilizers with fossil-based plastic, and consequently, they have set up regulations that will finally prohibit the […]

JTF: Market-driven synthesis of fit-for-purpose bioplastics (PHBVs)

JTF: Market-driven synthesis of fit-for-purpose bioplastics (PHBVs) This JTF project aims to deepen our knowledge of the wide variety of PHBVs that can be produced from waste streams and their full potential for different applications. The project has been granted nearly €4 million. The total investment of this project is €8 million. We will be […]

PHA2USE: Our first step in scaling up our technology

PHA2USE project: Our first step in scaling up our technology In the last four years, we have cooperated with 5 Dutch Water boards in building and operating the PHA biomass demo plant in Dordrecht, our first step in scaling up our technology. The feedstock was focused on microbes from municipal wastewater. The demonstration plant in […]

Producing PHA from agri-food side streams in collaboration with Looop

PHA from agri-food side streams

Producing PHA from agri-food side streams in collaboration with Looop Together with Looop, we are collaborating on a project focused on producing PHA from agri-food side streams. Looop is an independent (knowledge) partner and supplier of these side streams from the agri-food sector.  It is hardly surprising that we have found each other and will […]

Biopolymers from water research group Wetsus

biopolymers from water

Biopolymers from water research group Wetsus We collaborate with Wetsus on a long-term research of biopolymers from water with Unilever, Stowa, and SNB. Research in this theme is to build on and bridge fundamental bioprocess engineering and materials science with downstream commercial opportunities for platform chemicals and bioplastics. The theme is an incubator to reach […]